Phantom Leaf Camouflage: Your Requirement is Our Challenge
Phantom Leaf Camouflage: Your Requirement is Our Challenge
Throughout our blogs we’ve covered multiple camouflage brands, each with their own unique dive and take on camo patterns that help keep soldiers save and uncovered. For this week’s blog we’re diving deeper into the importance of camouflage and taking a look at another brand that has used science and creativity to develop patterns that work incredibly well.
This brand in particular, Phantom Leaf, is a brand that has emerged on the scene from Germany and has taken the industry by storm. Like many of the other highly respected camouflage patterns, Phantom Leaf uses neuropsychology to develop a pattern that makes the wearer invisible to the eye, even when moving. To learn more about this new and upcoming brand, keep reading…
Why is Camouflage So Important
First and foremost, we want to uncover the utter importance of finding the right pattern and fit of camo. If you’re not in the military or are not an avid hunter, you may be confused as to why there are so many brands that spend hours developing the perfect pattern and system. However, there is good reason for this.
When hunting or on a mission, your biggest weapon and advantage is to remain unseen from your enemy or prey. By finding and using the right camo system, soldiers are able to deceive their enemy, by tricking them into thinking they are not even there, as they get into the right position and intention of their military formation.
While we only cover the clothing aspect of the camouflage system, there are many other items that are used to provide concealment and disguise, such as dummies, vehicles, and particular positions.
When it comes to remaining unseen and completing any mission successfully, camouflage is any soldiers’ biggest weapon and advantage. If not used properly, or if it fails to do its job, the entire mission can be in jeopardy and many soldiers lives’ can be at risk. Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a look as to why Phantom Leaf is an incredible choice.
It All Started with a Vision
So, how does one get involved in the camo business and where does one feel the need to fill the gap? Owners of Phantom Leaf noticed that there was a rapid and constant change that was ongoing in the military environment during deployments. Of course, soldiers were still being deployed to the same types of environments, I.e., urban and woodland, however it was within those places that the changes were happening, meter by meter as the soldier would move to his destination. This movement left the soldier vulnerable, as if he moved into the wrong area, his camouflage would expose him, making him visible to the enemy. In addition, special forces teams were also realizing this gap in the market and vulnerability for their team. So, the need became clear and incredibly important.
This is where the idea for a flexible and adaptive camouflage system was developed. The founders wanted to be able to create lightweight and appropriately sized gear that could continuously handle the change that soldiers go through when moving into their formation or end destination. They were also inspired by the age old saying of “videre sine videri” which uses the constant increase in performance and technology over the years. They felt as though it was time to develop camouflage technology that could handle the constant movement that a soldier makes, providing improved technology.
Phantom Leaf: Using Medical, Psychiatric and Neuropsychology
Once the vision was focused in on, the founders knew that it would take a great deal of work to make this complex camouflage system a success. Remember, the goal was to have the same pieces that every soldier and military branch was used to wearing, but to utilize it in a way that could constantly change with the changing environment.
The founders used what they call the Novel Algorithm when developing the pattern of the clothing. This algorithm has the ability to not only fit in with objects up-close, but it can also handle the change in scenery and background throughout the same environment.
Like other camo brands, the understanding that the pattern had to be both scientific and creative was there. The team went forth and used psychiatric, neuropsychologic and medical expertise to influence the look, feel, and vision of the system while in use.
What’s more interesting about this brand is that the pieces and principle of the entire system can be added into current camouflage patterns helping to increase their effectiveness. This allows those who are in particular uniform to be granted the ability to remain unexposed.
Using Experience to Guide the Way
While Phantom Leaf has been created by an entire team, the leading designer and individual who deserves most of the recognition is Dr. Florian Lenz who has conducted a great deal of research on camouflage for almost 30 years!
His researched proved to be effective, however he was a medical doctor and specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy and also used his experience and exposure to help guide this brand.
After launching in 2008, he further worked with government agencies and customers to better understand the need and perfect this system.
Phantom Leaf Camouflage Systems
Phantom Leaf developed a system of camouflage colors and patterns that can be used in any environment that military soldiers will come into contact with all over the world. Take a look below to see the various systems developed:
Z4 Construction: used for any soldier who will be under man made settings such as urban terrains with ships and trains to oil platforms.
Z3B High Vegetation with Snow Cover: Natural regions that include cover with intermittent snow.
Z3A High Vegetation with No Snow Cover: Natural regions that include vegetation, but snow is not applicable, such as tropical jungles, and coniferous forests.
Z2 Low Growing Vegetation: Areas that include grass and bushlands with rocks and boulders. It is the in-between zone for Z 1a and Z 3a
Z1C Snow Desert: Used for snow deserts with no vegetation and ice
Z1B Rock Desert: This is to be used above the tree line and tundra zones but can be used in some areas where there is snow cover.
Z1A Hot Desert: Used for hot regions where there is very little cover from sandy plains or rocks. Can be used to transition to grassy areas and scrublands.
As you can see, while there are many camouflage systems available and many of these systems can be used to transition from one location and environment to the other, providing full and complete coverage for a long period of time.
While we have seen a great deal of camouflage systems that can easily hide a soldier and make him invisible to the eye, there is no camouflage system quite like Phantom Leaf. Phantom Leaf has taken their camouflage system to provide soldiers the reassurance that they can move from one environment to another complimentary, transitional environment, and still remain unseen. Not only has this been a huge relief to many soldiers and branches, but it has also helped special forces complete many missions, as the right camouflage pattern can really make or break the mission at hand.
If you’re interested in camouflage gear or are looking for tactical equipment, be sure to check out our online store here, where you’ll find various brands and options for all your tactical and military equipment needs.