Mechanix Wear
Mechanix Wear the famous international manufacturer for tactical Mission Gloves for Work Safety, Automotive, Tactical, Hardware, and Cold Weather. Popular types are the FastFit, M-Pac, Vent, and Cold-Weather-Insulate variants.
Mechanix Wear is worn by millions of people all over the world, not without reason: the company focuses on a precise design, the latest material technologies, and tireless testing procedures on the gloves. The company's products are divided into the categories of automotive, security, tactics, and hardware. The Mechanix Wear tactical gloves have been developed to protect the military, police, and shooting sports enthusiasts. These gloves are available in different versions depending on the application. To be more adaptable to the environment, the gloves have camouflage patterns and different color variations and thus meet even the most exacting requirements. There are, for example, the MECHANIX WEAR Original Gloves in black and Multicam.
5 products